Exmouth Wellness Centre
Dr Clay Farley
Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, and Naturopathy
Holistic health clinic in Exmouth Western Australia. Offering the services of Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Naturopathy.
Exmouth Wellness Centre offers Chiropractic treatments that combine a range of manual adjusting and low force techniques to provide a tailored treatment adapted to suit each individual.
We also offer Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to help relieve symptoms for a wide range of conditions such as insomnia, IBS, migraines, stress and anxiety, women’s health, fatigue, and pain.
Please feel free to give us a call and have a chat with Clay or Mary about the services we offer.
Call: 99494118
Email: admin@exmouthwellnesscentre.com.au
Online: www.exmouthwellnesscentre.com.au
Karijini Family Violence Counselling
Fay McInnes
Karijini Family violence & Counselling Services
Karijini Family Violence is a free community Service
-Confidential support and counselling for personal, emotional and family issues
-Support and counselling is available to victims, perpetrators, other associate family members and children
Safety Plans
Risk Assessments
Short Term emergency accommodation
Emergency financial relief
Opening Hours:
Fay Visits Karingal Every Thursday
10am - 1pm
0400 206 079
Paraburdoo Hospital
9159 8222
Paraburdoo Medical Centre
9189 5069
BSS Employee Assistance Program
1800 30 30 90
Paraburdoo Police Station
9159 8600
Gate House (snake catcher)
9143 4223
13 11 14
Crisis Care
1800 199 008
Health Direct Australia
1800 022 222
Family Drug Support
1300 368 186
24hour alcohol & Drug support line
1800 198 024
Rurallink (specialist after hours phone service)
1800 552 002
1800 290 626
Beyond Blue
1300 224 636
The Samaritans Cris Line
1800 198 313
Health Direct Australia
1800 022 222
Mensline Australia
1300 789 978